Dear valued Natural Grains customer,
Thank you for your continued and constant support. We, at Natural Grains Tortillas are staying updated and on top of the situation with the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
In order to guarantee the health and safety of our employees and customers, we are following the CDC and other health authority guidelines and offering the latest safety guidance to our employees and staff. In addition to our regular food safety, cleaning and delivery procedures, we are taking extra steps to make sure that the critical high contact/traffic areas in our production area, office, warehouse, and delivery vehicles are paid close attention to.
Our employees are very important to us. We are making sure that they follow CDC guidelines to protect themselves, their colleagues, our customers and anyone they come in contact with. We are asking them to stay home if they are experiencing symptoms or not feeling well, and we will do what is needed to support them. Merchandising will be put on hold for the next 3 weeks, therefore we apologize in advance because the product on shelfs may be a little messy. In this situation the less people touching the product the better, this is for the safety of our customers , our staff and all retail store employees.
In these extraordinary and difficult times, we are committed to our purpose of
providing the best tortillas in the nation. We will be working hard at keeping optimum inventory levels in our facility and stores. We will do everything that is on our hands to guarantee the safety of not only our products, but our employees and customers. We will keep you updated and provide more information as the situation evolves.
Once again thank you for your support and understanding of the situation.
Diana Teran